Welcome To A Date With Destiny
You have now entered the front row of Dionne Monique's destiny. Dionne is a sought-after author and motivational speaker from Chicago, Illinois who currently resides in Decatur, Georgia. After a long fight with cancer, Dionne decided to write a book series that would help others not have to walk the journey alone. Her books will not only help children with cancer see themselves in a positive way, but her books will also welcome children without cancer to take a look at the world of a child who has cancer to understand them better. Whether you are a parent, a loved one, or a child battling cancer, the Purple Scarf series will make the journey a little lighter.

Calling All Aspiring Authors!
Are you ready to become a published author? Join Dionne on Clubhouse for weekly discussions on the publication process. No author left behind!

Are You Parenting While Surviving Cancer?
Come join a community where parents who are surviving or have survived cancer can come together and support each other while still being the BEST parents we can be.

We Want To Hear Your Survivor Story
We are excited to announce that Sincerely Dionne will also be a platform for other survivors to share their stories. We are now accepting submissions for guest blog posts, poems, and video testimonies. Please contact us for further details.